Lord of the Photoshoppers: The Two Pixels

*this is a sequel to War of the Photoshoppers.

“One Software to Rule Them All. One Software to Find Them. One Software to Bring Them All and In The Blogosphere Bind Them.”

After the Master Lizzie’s last attack, Darth Kaplye did not lay low long enough…

…but little did he know Master Lizzie did have something up his sleve…

…although that weapon did affect his youth…

…and an innocent bystander too…

Despite the effect suffered by Master Lizzie, Darth Kaplye conjured another spell, and thus Master Lizzie had to retreat…for a while…

After regaining his power, Darth Kaplye made another attack, this time with help with a Kryptonian named Kal-El.

Having also regained his strength, Master Lizzie sought assistance from 3 desperate housewives…

dark pixels loom ahead…


20 responses to “Lord of the Photoshoppers: The Two Pixels”

  1. sungguh mengerikan…
    tak sanggup nk tgk !

  2. what a scary piece of art!

  3. hey seriusly…. korang de bakat jadik pekerja rumah hantu kat funfair memana…. kalo lar jumper tgh2 malam… nightmare DoH”

  4. hehehe….. macam2……

  5. monkerevenge’ll come after you… huahahaha!

    didn’t she shave her leg? thats gross man!

    so guys? which attack has make you rase nak muntah.. is it him or mine? huehehehe

  6. wlady: well, in other words these ‘girls’ can stop a man (and woman alike) in his track with a single look…

    ic3dlatt3: Still considerred as a piece of art? I’m flattered

    kaz: just go along showkit, blakang mahkamah and the likes and you’ll see them, ESPECIALLY at and after midnight.

  7. blackpurple: macam2 ada..! Pontianak Harum sluar dalam kat blog ko pun menarik gak! aku tak kisah kalau maya karin nak haunt aku, tapi kalau maya kadijin tu…tgk pun seram

    kaplye: eva longhairylegs orang eropah, biasa la tak shave ni…

  8. You weird person, you.


  9. lizzam : maya karin ada mycard, maya kadijin tu pendatang haram tanpa ijin la….hehehe…

  10. ko orang dua ni memang kurang ajar tau!!!kena repot suhakam ni!!!hahaha…

  11. teringat zaman gua gile mengedit dan mensuper-impose photos masa belajar dulu… kemaruk sehh itu jam. jakun. tapi walau apa dan sape pun gambar yang lu bikin,

  12. setelah WLady turut menjadi mangsa,apakah korang akan menjadikan makhluk lain sebgai mangsa??

  13. blog hoping here..


    u really make my day..

  14. lynn: Weird and lovin’ it! parappappappaa… (lagu McD)

    blackpurple: mesti maya kadijin tu terbang je dtg sini, takkan abg ponti naik tongkang?

    fauzie: berani la report…nak kena super impose? ugutan alaf baru…

  15. pyerudz: apa lagi pyterudz, gilap balik la skill lama…kita buat secara berjemaah…

    mafiaries: mesti ada punya…kalau ko nak menawarkan diri…apalah salahnya…

    pinky angel: hi pinky, don’t just hop here, you’re welcome to linger around… Glad you like it.

  16. Gile ngeri the 4th pic tu. Hahahahhaa!! Mmg tade keje ah ni.

  17. Aiyakkk silap..the 5th wan ah 😛

  18. yo, edrogant of oma edt83 also ur allied huh…? ok… jemaah dah bertambah ramai..

    agak2, kalo banner Buli Balik aku otter kan, chief kodok marah x?heheh

  19. Orked: kan filem seram la ni suka guna budak kecik sbg simbol hantu, kalau budak dlm gamba no.5 tu mesti bole jadi pelakon filem seram yang berjaya…

    zulkaplye: bukan dia kata nak jadi ko punye padawan ke? haha…terbocor lak rahia ko nak edit muka aku kat poster buli balik.ko tgk kat komen blackpurple, tu pun seram gak woo

  20. dude… make a poll, which picture is most histerical, scariest, un”sangka”reble menakutkan. i think this guys suke vote the 5th, Cutey Pervert Little Riding Hooooooohahahahaha