Ku harap…

Recent happenings made me think, and think a lot. It also reminded me of a poem I wrote sometime ago. Herewith the poem, both in Malay (original version), and English.

Ku Harap,
Pemergianku nanti,
Tidak Membawa Kesedihan,
Kerana Itu Akan Menyusahkan.

Ku Harap Jua,
Pemergianku Nanti,
Tidak Membawa Kegembiraan,
Kerana Itu Tandanya Aku Telah Menyusahkan


I Hope,
If I Go,
None Will Mourn,
As That Will Burden Them.

I too Hope,
If I Go,
None Will Rejoice;
As That Means I’ve Burdened Them.



13 responses to “Ku harap…”

  1. hmmm… what’s with the sentimentlo…

  2. agak emo ye.
    period ke?

  3. Orked Avatar

    an odd side of you.

    last nite, the moon if full.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    is, not if 🙂

    the sugar is running lo i guess

  5. wlady: nahh…just somethings that people do, that they think are good, but in the end, dips everyone they know in a shithole, up to their noses.

    cik PMS: period?mungkin kot. nak tuka la nama blog jadi Encik PMS.

    orked: did not see the moon last night. was spending quality time cursing the slow and not steady Streamyx. expec a letter from me to them in the paper.the Anonymous is also you,right?

  6. takkan emo sebab streamyx slow kot.
    dah dah, jom makan eskrim malam besok. betik belanja.

    siyes ni.

  7. cik PMS: cejuknye…berat mata memandang, berat lagi mata orang nak tido.ujan2 ni pun makan eskirm ke?asal dari eskimo ye?

  8. bro, sorry mencelah..
    dah dapat kad aku?
    Datang yer…
    Lagi satu, tulis pasal visit LdF okay..Aku balik kampung ah..preparation..

  9. hujan2 le besh makan eskrim.
    pepanas loya…

    eh idup lagi ke tak ni?
    senyap jer..

  10. Mafiaries: don wori bro…dah dapat..most prolly aku pergi umah pengantin pompuan.kat perak jauh la beb…mau sesat aku sampai Johor.

    Cik PMS: idup dan masih menendang. kalau dah tak idup nanti kita jumpa kat sana je la ye.

  11. good old poem..he write it back in 2004, kalo xsilap. 2times i seen dis poem, yg ko lekat kat dinding, satu lg ko conteng kat carta graf umur mlawan tahap iman (bentuk kubur dulu). aku simpan lg bro..

  12. kaplye: hoho…aku dah lupa lak pasal graf tu…ko simpan lagi? kalau rajin, ko scan dan letak kat blog ko…aku nak tgk…

  13. aku carik balik.. kat umah dah, selit2 dlm kotak mane tah. ala, lukis balik kan sng