Got Monday Blues Today?

Are you in the office today?

In normal office attire?

Feeling the Monday Blues, like usual?

Guess what?

Nope, not annual leave, nor a no pay leave. The Company’s on leave today…

Jeles Tak?


3 responses to “Got Monday Blues Today?”

  1. kat msia baru pukul 2am ko dh post ini entry? isk isk..

  2. Intan : sebab aku plan nak bangun lambat sok…lepas subuh, tido balik…kena lak time ujan…uuuu…sungguh lagho cita2 aku ni…

  3. damnit…. company ko tak mengikuti ISO akta percutian…. apsal bg cuti lebih lak…. huhu.. not jealous… not jealous… not jealous… waarghh…