Here’s 2 news I’ve read and heard on the news, that made me all cracked up, since it showed the true nature of the person involved, if you can read between the lines.

1. Ch’ng focusing on campaign – BN man he needs time to visit all voters. (The Star, Thursday 6th March 2008). This cracked me up on several reasons. First of all, I know his son personally (although I’m not sure he still remembers me) since we went to the same hostel, and only recently I realised that he is the MP for the place I live in. And I think Emmanuel a certain friend of mine is won’t vote for him for the parliamentary seat.

But the main reason is, Ch’ng was complaining that he did not get to meet all of his potential voters, due to lack of time. I wonder, Datuk, was the 5 years not enough, or was it the 15 days campaign? I guess now we know how often he rubs shoulders with us commoners?

2. There was a news on Buletin Utama (that stretched on to about 10pm!) just now about someone sending “invitation letters” from the BN candidate there, to the potential voters to claim RM 500 for their “support” of the party. Many came, and when no money was given, claimed foul to the press. Some mentioned that he left his work just to collect the money, and another blamed the saboteur of putting his name on the “invitation letter”, as if he’s involved in bribery.

It’s actually the guy who was mad about his name what cracked me up. You see, he’s mad because his name is written in the letter, showing that he is voluntarily involved in bribery. But somehow, he managed to NOT go to the police and lodge a report, and yet, he STILL CAME to “collect the money”. I bet that should the money is actually being given, he’d be one happy BN voter this year, at least.