How long does it takes to fall in love?

My answer?
The time that passed with your heart paused beating when your eyes are set on her/him.

And how exactly did I come to that conclusion?

::the original content of this post have been edited::

Please God, give me strength to NEVER EVER BREAK ANY WOMAN’S HEART. Not my Mother, not my Wife (none yet), not my Child, not Anyone.

A woman was made by the hands of God from Adams (A.S) left rib…

  • not from the head to lead,
  • nor from the feet to be stepped on,
  • but under the arm to be sheltered and protected,
  • and near to the heart to be loved


6 responses to “How long does it takes to fall in love?”

  1. A wise word from my experienced friend. I know i’m not the most wise here, but…
    It is imperative to love some one…. even though they do not love you back,
    so why not love both, but remember, embrace only to the one that will love you back,
    whoever that person is, is based on your experience… =)

    as for the blog…. i’m advising you to delete your post….
    They say that the truth hurts,…
    but i say… what they dont know, wont hurt them….

    They say that if you love someone, let them go…
    I did that once, and i never see her again after that…
    Of course it could just be my case is different =)

  2. thanks, kaz. though i didn’t know you have your romantic fling.

    as for the post, i’ll consider deleting it.

    thanks for the thought.

  3. dude, great blog u have here.

    they say if u love sum1 let him/her go, huh? neva do that.. the chance might neva come ur way eva again..

    i pray He help u to decide wisely.. soal hati bkn mende kecik.. the effects can last for years, if not infinity. time might heal.. but u neva know.

    ive sumthing against this Nabi Adam’s rib thingy.. buzz me personally if u r interested to know wut it is about.

  4. A woman was made by the hands of God from Adam’s (A.S) left rib…

    not from the head to lead,
    nor from the feet to be stepped on,
    but under the arm to be sheltered and protected,
    and near to the heart to be loved



    that was awesome…
    really touching..

  5. 5 seconds with a pair of Gucci boots

    5 seconds with a Coach tote bag

    6 seconds with CK’s latest perfume

    3 years with a man

    go figure.

  6. 3 years to fall in love? you sure did take your time.

    good for you..