Category: Uncategorized
When I watched Dollar Shave Club‘s first advertisement, I thought that apart from the cool concept they had on the ad, they also have a cool concept on their product – subscription based shaving products. I wished there’s something like that in Malaysia. Little did I know my wish has been made true several years…
How to Send Animated Gif in Whatsapp on Android
In your chat, tap the share button. Select Video to choose your video. You can also record a video. The video can be long, but the animated gif can only be 6 seconds long. In the Edit Video page, trim your video (if needed) to be 6 seconds long or less. the Video/Gif toggle will…
Watak dan Komik
Seorang sahabat bertanyakan satu soalan di Facebook, tentang persamaan dan perbezaan antara Doraemon, Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Ben 10, dan BoBoiBoy. Mulanya soalan ni nampak biasa je, tapi bila difikirkan, ada satu persamaan yang aku tak gemar bila baca komik/tonton rancangan mereka ni: terlalu bergantung dengan watak utama. Maksud aku, kalau di buat satu episode tanpa…