I’ve had a chance to have a very educating discussion with someone whose in the movie industry. Maybe this will solve some of the mysteries of KENAPA FILEM KITA BANYAK YANG MENYEDUT?
I’ll be updating this as the conversation goes on.
Lizzam said…
mamasan said…
muteaudio said…
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mamasan said…
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3 responses to “Insights into the Movieland in Bolehland”
I can’t read everything you wrote this time – too long. But it is revolve on the question ‘why our film’s sucks’. I’ve met an old friend somewhere last week (again)- which i never met hime for the last 3 years – we were discussing about life’s. Somehow this topic arouse. He mentioned about the subject he took at one of the college at his place on film apprecation. Things that make me sad was when he mentioned about the notes that provided – using local movie like ‘jutawan fakir’ ‘cinta kolestrol’ as subject. Come on, that movie not meant to be studied by student – it meant only for profit – cn’t they see that? I think that’s why our movie ‘menyedut’ dan akan seterusnya menyedut hingga keakhirnya.
Happy menyedut..!
sorry, didn’t reply to your comment earlier
well…those movie did make money, and it should be duly noted. on the commercial side, it did well. but on the art side, it should be balanced by mentioning more serious movies like Sepet, PGL, and some indies like BWM, Chennai Mallam (i’m not sure i got that right), and even student’s work like Hijabbed from MMU.
don’t tell me the lecturer was THE PROF???
she’s a PhD holder.