How much does your child worth?

If you’re a frequent listener to our English Radios (Hitz, Fly, XFresh), chances are you’ve heard of an advertisement where you’re driving your children on a typical Sunday drive, all safety precautions taken but only you wore your safety belt, so you love yourself more than your children.

And that’s what a woman did recently. She placed her son in her car, fasten his seatbelt, then hers, and then drove like a pro in pursuit of a thief in his Kancil who had just stolen her handbag worth RM1000 of belongings. She managed to stop the Kancil by ramming it into a lamppost, but not before sending her own car crashing into a gymnasium equipment store, caving the shop’s roof and scattering it’s glass. The Kancil also managed to hit another passing Iswara and it crashed into an empty hawker’s stall by the side of the road.

Now, this is not taken from a movie, so somebody did get hurt. The thief were bleeding, the shop owner lost RM50,000 in damage. Nothing were said about the hawker who may lost his source of income, and the trauma her son got.

Yes, she was brave, but foolish enough to include her 4 year old in this. What was she thinking? Was her son’s life worth RM1000? I don’t care about the other costs, as somebody, or that somebody’s insurance, will pay. It’s life we’re talking here. Something no sum would be sufficient to repay. And moreover, it was her choice that her son was involved.

She may be a hero that day. But to me, she deserves a tight slap in the face for failing to think.

As the government always say: Fikir Dulu Sebelum Buang
As I always write in my emails: Fikir Dulu Sebelum Forward

Read the full article here