A Question to All

I know this question will either make most of my reader leave my blog, call me infidel, hack my account and delete my post or something like that. But eversince sometime early this year, I can’t quite stop asking myself.

Where, in either Al Quran or Hadith, can we find the order to kill all Jews, or anything to that effect?

Actually I’ve tried reading the translation of Al Quran myself. But up to where I’m reading, I can’t quite find a verse of such command. I balme this to my low understanding to Old English (my Mobile Quran Reader only have it in English), and me not being able to read Arabic.

I’m just trying to understand the things happening in the Middle East. Is there really a command to eliminate Jews, or is it the oppression by Israel. can someone shed me light on this.


20 responses to “A Question to All”

  1. its not the command to kill jews per se. u are right.. it’s the opression. they invade Palestin.. in Islam it is obligatory for u to defend ur life and property e.g. home, land etc. so people of Palestin have the right to kill those people who take those things away from them. so it’s not really a racial issue. be it any other race pun, the right prevails.

    logik la.. klau ada org sesuka datuk nenek dia dtg umah ko pehtu claim tu umah dia and halau ko kuar, takkan ko buat bodoh je?

    and u cant kill jews who oppose the idea of Palestin occupation, or any other jews who are outside Palestin.

    our religion is much closer to judaism compared to any other religion. sad thing we focus on differences and fight each other over trivialities.

    btw, there is this one ayat (9:5) saying to kill infidels whereva u see them. ayat ni la org slalu exploit to justify their sick behaviour killing innocent people. and thats one of Muslims severest form of penyakit.. amik ayat Quran out of context then apply sesuka cipan. make Islam looks bad. and i cant possibly blame non-Muslims for misunderstanding our religion, coz Muslims themselves show misguided representation of their religion.

    just my sekupang worth. wallahu a’lam.

  2. yasminjazilla Avatar

    sinaps.. I like your statement “amik ayat Quran out of context then apply sesuka cipan. make Islam looks bad” .. it’s more than true abt this statement.

    Lizzam, we don’t hate people, we either just hate or dislike their “perangai” which cause difficulties to others..

    We cannot hate Jews or any other race in the world.. for all we know, if we are too desperate to find halal food – we can always opt for kosher food!

  3. Intan : I see. I agree with you. I’m actually trying to find logic, or even reason of the killing of innocent victims. Even during the Israeli attack on Lebanon, I disagree with all attacks by Hizbullah on public property. It seems by doing so, Hizbullah had put themselves on the same level as those attacking them.

    On similarities of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, I think you’ll find this interesting:
    Prohpet Muhammad (PBUH) in Other Religious Scriptures

  4. sila rujuk ustaz/ilmuwan/pakar. jangan ambik fahaman yang salah. benda2 ni jangan main2, boleh terpesong akidah. kalau tak pasti pasal hukum-hakam, nas-nas dan seumpamanya, jangan cakap.
    cakap2 ikut sedap dan pemahaman sendiri yang selalu memesongkan kita.

    p/s: jangan jadi ayah pin.

  5. Once, i penah dgr seorg ustaz ckp, Yahudi Laknatullah tu memang sampai kiamat akan memusuhi Islam dan menganggap kaum lain adalah haiwan dan hanya mereka, Yahudi Laknatullah itu sahaja manusia. Wallahua’lam.. So, better u find the right person to discuss about this. Hope jgn ade yang bagi komen yang boleh menggelincirkan iman, nauzubillah.

  6. By your quote:

    I’m just trying to understand the things happening in the Middle East. Is it really a command to eliminate Jews, or is it the oppression by Israel. can someone shed me light on this.

    The war in Middle East is actually based on worldly desire to acquire more land for settlement. From my historical knowledge, it started as an aftermath of world war 2, where the jews that has been roundup and imprison at the prisoner camp demanded/ask for a land of their own, so that they can protect themselves, etc etc…

    Then with the help of the US and its allies, they empower the Israel Government, above the Palestine, just besides Syria, and declare that piece of land as the Israel nation, a place for the jews.

    The middle east war however start after that, (i seem to recall a 7 days war or something, launch by Israel Government, to take up more land for their settlement), when the Israel expanded their territory, effectively taking up land that belongs to the Syrian, and Palestinian.

    Until today, the Israel government have failed to turn back that piece of land that they took, hence the struggle and tension that we exist today.

    I didnt downplay the role of religion in the conflict, but to me, Islam is a religion of peace, it shouldnt be use as a tools of war. Islam does however gave consent for a muslim to defend him/herself in the event of oppression (thus the many calls of jihad being highly misused by some parties)

    and no Lizzam, i cant find any specific text in the Holy Quran that calls us to kill any jews either…
    To me, the conflict begins with the dispute of land borders… of course i might be wrong… please refer to other experts in middle east conflict, especially the earlier phase of the war, as im incapable of telling u more in detail.

  7. Yasmin : “It’s no matter who you are, It’s what you do that defines you” – Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins

    Pyerudz : kebanyakan yang aku rujuk cuma ulang balik laporan kat media. Yang percaya bulat2 email layang pun ada. Aku tanya kat blog supaya ada sesapa yang dah ada pengalaman sendiri berkomunikasi dengan orang Yahudi atau Palestin, macam Intan, bagitau aku something that the media may not report.

  8. Kookabooras : well, aku open apa saja yang orang nak komen kat sini, as long as orang itu berminda terbuka, dan sedia untuk berdebat kalau dia (dikatakan) salah. kalau yang jenis yang “I’m holier than thou”, bkemungkinan aku akan delete komen dia, kalau boleh menyebabkan ketegangan

    Kaz : My, my. Those WWII games sure got you researching about this. It’s very informative of you. May I ask you one thing, the land on which Israel is, was originally Palestine, or Syria? And why did something done by a German Nazi leader, but another country a quarter across the globe had to pay off by it’s land?did Israel ask for the land, or was it given by US and it’s Allies?

  9. they did ask for the land. not given by US, but Britain. even it was the German Nazi leader’s doing, other Europe countries felt guilt for not helping the jews during the holocaust.

    if there’s one thing we can admire about the jews is their ability to rise from calamities. they work hard. now most of them in US high admin, also in other sector e.g. econs etc., so u can expect US is one of the forces that support the illegal country.

    aisey.. i gotta dig this up la. i just have bits and pieces. and i’ll try to find my notes about the obligation defending ur props/declaring war/jihad. i truly hope dr hafidzi can answer ur questions. meantime u may wanna have a look at this.

    i hope im not misleading anybody. wallahu a’lam.

  10. and this.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. yup, it seems sinaps knows quite a bit about the history of palestinian-israel conflict well.
    I rather/unable to explain to you the core detail as i am only able to brief you about the scarce chronology of event that lead to the war. Not sure going to wikipedia (a source that comes from the people, hence may be perverted to someone else agenda) helps either. You need to dig up a better source, really historical stuff…

    (i was brief about the chronology of several famous war events back when i was with the TSN. so it helps..)

  13. Intan : Thanks Intan. I’ll look into those links you gave me

    Kaz : Yes, Intan (sinaps) does have an extensive knowledge about Palestine-Israel conflict, since she’s both in direct contact with both sides, and since she’s also quite active in pro-Palestine activities.

    TSN?and it stands for?

  14. aiyoo.. not extensive la. there are others yg lebih arif about the conflict.. and manade direct contact with both sides. ive jews classmates tapi tak penah bincang openly about the issue.. but it’s better to see them in flesh kan.

    im just lucky to get to know those with the right info, and have the chance to go to talk/discussion etc. and am glad to share what lil knowledge i know. =)

  15. TSN? well its kinda like a blog or some underground archive. To be a member u had to share info or knowledge and post it inside their many forum. The group goal is to amass info on world current issues. In return the member who put all the info on their own country will get info on other countries current issues.
    i was putting the ‘whats going on’ on Malaysia’s political and social news at the blog, but i stop doing that as there was rumour on certain group using it for dark purpose…

  16. off-topic:

    “open mindedness” bukan wadah untuk jiwa orang Islam. orang Islam sepatutnya berjiwa “Islamic minded” dan melihat apa sekali pun dari “Islamic worldview”. perkara ini telah dibahaskan dengan panjang lebar oleh Prof Syed Muhd. Naquib al-Attas dalam naskhah metafiziknya berserta nas dan dalil yang kukuh.

    orang Islam tak patut merendahkan dirinya ke tahap “open minded” sedangkan Nabi SAW sudah jelas meninggalkan 2 bekal untuk terus hidup di jalan yang “lurus” selepas ketiadaan Baginda – iaitu to live life dengan berpegang dengan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah.

    jangan terperangkap dengan menyangka open mindedness sebagai satu cara yang betul dalam berfikir.

  17. Scarlet : Salam. Saya tak tahu pula wujudnya artikel tu, tapi saya berminat untuk membacanya.

    Sebab, saya sendiri tak pasti di mana takat pemikiran saya, adakah ia Open-Mindedness, atau Islamic Mindedness. Dan bila memikirkan ini, timbul soalan; Siapa contoh tokoh yang menggunakan Islamic Minded Thinking, dan adakah pemikiran pemimpin2 Islam khususnya, dan umat Islam umumnya, adalah Islamic Minded Thinking?

  18. salam.

    saudara Lizzam,

    sebenarnya ia dalam bentuk buku. insya Allah saya akan ulas beberapa karya penting dan pemikiran Prof. al-Attas tak lama lagi di blog saya.

    saya puji sikap saudara yang berhasrat mencari kebenaran dalam sesuatu. tapi saudara perlulah sentiasa beringat2 agar jangan sampai tersalah tanya.

    take care.

  19. There are a lot of fabrications in hadith actually.

    And Muslims nowadays are led astray because we abandon QURAN put priority to hadith instead.

    Find out more in my blog

  20. scarlet : kalau saya salah, saya harap saya tersalah tanya. janag saya tersalah belajar, sudah. paling teruk, saya tersalah ajar.

    ida.tasha : yes, you are right. I am thinking, if you read this: Since Sunnah and Hadith are those said and done by Muhammad S.A.W, then how are we to differentiate which is the norm of that day, or his customs?