My Beef With SmartWatches

What’s my beef with Smartwatches?

Samsung + Tizen:
PRO – Amoled makes sense in saving battery (use lots of black in watchface) and using it during the night. lots of sensors and camera that surprisingly very usable in a pinch.

CONS – but the integration with other apps (other than Samsung’s) are so-so at best, since many developers chose to support Wear than Tizen. not to mention S Voice is separate than the one in the phone and both are inferior to Google Now.

Android Wear:
PRO: Very tight integration with Google services, and developer support seems promising. there’s a lot of choices from various manufacturers with different asthetics.

CONS: the cards’ design are not-changable, making it blinding in the night. even with ll these manufacturers, most only differs in their looks, while being able to do exactly the same thing.

Apple Watch:
PRO: Looks different from Android and Tizen, and knowing Apple, it will be smooth. tight integration with Apple apps and Siri. a new take on Watch interface.

CONS: I don’t think the interface approach is functional on a watch (based on experience with Gear), but I would reserve judgement

PROS: looks like a watch, functions like a watch, battery last the whole week.

CONS: it’s clunky, especially the navigation, which is done via the buttons. better support than Tizen, but will be surpassed by Wear and Apple Watch in short time

All Smartwatches: they are pricey, and feels beta at best. most needs to be charged nightly (Tizen ones can last twice longer, and Pebble the whole week though). it’s like when Android first came out, with such promise, and expectations, but not quite “there” yet. then again at that time, we can drool at iPhones.

So,what do I want from Smartwatches?

more apps, longer battery, more sensors (including cameras, and ambient light sensor should be compulsory) and simpler charging mechanism.

the interface should take into account that I would like to do stuff in the least amount of actions on my watch, which is awkward when done on the wrist. it should not encourage long touches and long swipes, but rather most should be flicks and short taps.

deep integration into the companion device’s OS should be a no-brainer.

and lastly, make the hardware use as much as possible existing standards in mobile and watch industries. the straps should adhere to the watch industries, while the charging should use something ubiquitous.