Category: Friends and Families
Raya Went in a Blur
I meant the title literally. Ramadhan was happening, with record breaking of breaking fast cum reunion sessions. with most of my cliques inviting me to break fast or vice versa. Ex-KYPM Bangi Matriculation I think it’s a trend thingy. Last year I got several open house invitations, but not this year. This year, it’s the…
Sahur @ Klang, Iftar @ San Francisco
I’ve noticed that there are some who stumbled upon this site in search of iftar at San Francisco Steak House.Here’s some info you might want to know. Price: RM48 excluding tax. we were charged RM288++ for 6 pax.Location: We went to San Fran Mid Valley.Menu: It’s a buffet with Malay (Fried Rice, Soto, Satay, etc),…
Those whose seats are reserved in the Parliament halls, and those whose vision are limited to a narrow viewpoint should learn from us: In no particular order: 3 major races. At least 3 religious belief. 3 political preferences (neutrals, left wing, right wing, including one from Puteri UMNO and another from PKR). engineers. progammers. Salaryperson…
The Good Ol' Days
Was cleaning out some stuff in my room, and I stumbled upon this: Ah..the good ol’ days.. where are you all now? p/s: Guess what’s in the bucket.. err.. pail? Hey, if a prominent politician can do this… so can I, right? Leading by example..
Hint ! Hint!
I need a new pair of jeans;I need a new pair of shoes;My watch is now broken;My purse is torn; and it’s already March! dum badadum!
Freebies Galore!
I’m supposed to write this on Sunday, but was so busy re-arranging my room (that took me about 8 hours to finish), that I was too exhausted to write anything. But since the sole purpose of this post, is to brag, so I guess it’s not too late, hehe… Saturday starts like any other day…
I've Met My Long Lost Love
The last time I saw her, was when I’m in Form 4, or was it Form 5…I can’t really recall, but it was quite a long time ago. After I finished my Secondary School, We lost contact, and although I heard news of her from friends who went and visit her, I did not have…
A Hilltop Wedding
I mean, literally! It was a wedding atop the hill on which Liana’s house is situated…I would love to have such house in such area…provided that I pass my steep hill driving test (of which I did, okay!) . Here goes the pics!
Photos of Reunion ex-MBS batch 1990-1995
Gathering cost : RM 120.00 Toll and Fuel : RM 60.00 Enjoying a BBQ long lost friends in a 5-star beachside resort: Priceless! For those who’d want the photos for the reunion held in PD last 20th Jan, please leave your email in the comments section. If you worry leaving your emails here would lead…
Want to Marry Me?
Being in a position as I am, one could not avoid easily being asked the dreaded question. “Bila kau nak kahwin?” (when are you going to marry?) Usually, I’d give some lame, default answers such as “lama lagi” (not in the near future), “kumpul duit dulu” (need to save up first), or “tgh frust Siti…